During this term Room 6 has been learning how to write a Pepeha. A Pepeha is a Maori introduction that establishes your identity and heritage. We learned how to say our Pepeha and then we said it in front of the class and then we used screencastify to video it.This is my Pepeha.
Tena Koutou Katoa
No Philippines ahau
(I am from Philippines)
No Onehunga tōku kainga inaianei
(live now in New Zealand)
Ko Te Hapara pai te kura
(I go to Good Shepherd School)
Ko Noel tōku pāpā
(Noel is my Father)
No Philippines ia
(From Philippines)
Ko Sahlee tōku māmā
(Sahlee is my mother)
No Philippines ia
(From Philippines)
Ko James tōku ingoa
(James is my name)